We support you at every step of your journey to becoming a registered dietitian.

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We've helped 4,000+ RD2BEs study smarter since 2020 with our complete program!

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Read our free ebook Dietitian Dream Jobs, which contains 75 exciting and unique careers in dietetics!

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Happy RD2BE Clients

"All Access Dietetics was the best thing I invested in for myself and my career!"

Amber Trejo, CPT, MS, RDN

Hey there!
I know that becoming a registered dietitian is stressful and confusing.

I started All Access Dietetics in 2008, when I was a senior in college, right after I matched to a dietetic internship. I realized that the road to the RD needed way more support! I spent so much time feeling confused and stressed, and knew that it shouldn’t have to be this hard. Since then, my team of expert dietitians and I have helped thousands of RD2BEs just like you get accepted to dietetics programs, pass the RD exam, and become confident dietitians. I’m glad you’re here!

-Jenny Westerkamp, RD, CSSD
Founder, All Access Dietetics

“All Access Dietetics is a wonderful program with amazing support staff! This program was with me from the beginning until the end of the whole RD2BE process. They helped me with my internship applications, and the exam. I tried many other resources, but All Access Dietetics truly provided me with the best information and guidance!”

Elona Brando, RD